Thursday, February 21, 2008

What happened to Andrae?

Dear Project Runway,

As your darling Heidi Klum would say, you're out.
Auf Wiedersehen.
Go and clean your workspace.
You will not be showing your collection at Bryant Park.

But enough with the catwalk cliches.
The truth is, your forth season blew harder than Hurricane Katrina.

What happened to all the drama of the previous seasons?
No one melted down after a permanent marker moustache mysteriously appeared on a picture of a loved one a la Wendy Pepper. Not one designer pulled a Keith and broke the rules by bringing in contraband material. No one was accused of cheating like Jeffrey. Everyone stayed under budget, unlike Kara Saun and the adventures of the fabulous but overpriced sparkly shoes. Eggs stayed in their baskets and didn't end up on couture dresses (sorry, Michael). No sing-a-longs and no Red Lobster jokes and most importantly, no Tim Gunn impressions (but, to be honest, if they aren't done by Santino, then are they worth doing?)

Don't get me wrong. Your forth season had its moments. Christian is the fiercest bitch ever to grace my television screen and I love David Brent lookalike Chris and his infectious laugh. And I was totally bummed when Jack left for health reasons.

But other than that, you bored me.

Your challenges were uninspiring. Come on, WWE female wrestlers? They ended up looking like Bunny Ranch workers. No wonder the usually poker faced Michael Kors couldn't keep it straight.

You barely used the models. Isn't it a competition for them, as well? How about we see them instead of some bratty high school girls prepping for prom?

The product placement is over the top. I've dealt with hearing Elle Magazine, Tresemme Hair Care and Banana Republic on a loop. I get it. They're your sponsors. But Hershey's? At least the others are fashion related.

Speaking of Hershey's, stop with the wacky concepts for challenges. Let's make something out of Twizzlers and Kisses wrappers! That would be amazing! Where will it stop? Dresses made out of tampons?

It may seem like I'm being harsh on you, Project Runway, but I'm only doing this for your own good. Get it together and make it work!

Forever yours,

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